Friday, September 18, 2009

Instinctual Baking

A while back some of the mamas in my homeschool support group were talking about cooking the way grandma used to-instinctually. As we discussed our distaste for modern fast-food, the bevy of choices that are offered at the grocery store for 'instant meals' and the like, I began to wonder-how hard is it? Really, how difficult would it be to just re-create recipes from the hip, without relying on the cookbook? Some delightful results have followed.

So, check out this article from roobifood, a website that is a repository of food-related knowledge. (Yes, it's another shameless plug of my work!) I do enjoy this site-anything to do with food is worth a read, in my opinion. I think you'll have to copy and paste the following link, though. I haven't quite figured out the direct-link-on-your-blog thingie completely yet.

Also, last night we made egg rolls from scratch! YUM!!! Of course I forgot to take a picture of them since once they were done cooking, we ate them so fast. I'm still full.

One of the condiments we bought was hot mustard, for Bill. He loves the stuff! As we traipsed up and down the aisles in the store, my eye caught the funniest name brand of mustard, which decided my purchase. There, sitting on the shelf amidst the hoisin sauce and gallon jars (gallon!) of soy sauce, was sitting this tall skinny bottle of hot mustard. Ready for the name? Tasty Joy! I love it! Bill wondered aloud if it was any good, and my reply was, "Anything that cheap and named Tasty Joy is guaranteed to be hot."

Don't let the cute name fool you- Tasty Joy hot mustard is pretty darn hot.

Anyway, thanks to all of you who are following my random thoughts via this blog. Come on back soon for more updates of this mama's life!

1 comment:

  1. I cook from the hip most of the time. I learned that from my Mom who can whip up anything with the ingredients you have on hand
